June 2023 Monthly Newsletter

Our Spring/Summer Pop-Up Shop was aZulmazing!
Regardless the rainy weather, empowerment and success took place last Saturday at aZul; 5 sustainable fashion designers sold 45 garments and made $1,500.00 in just 3hrs.
Special thanks to Grandview Public Market, Publix, to the community, our awesome volunteers,
partners and friends for making our event a success for the adults with unique abilities we serve.
Clothing Drive News!
Our clothes collecting containers at Boynton City Hall, Extraordinary Charities and The Good Stuff in Jupiter provided us with abundance in clothes for designers to use on their next collections. We are grateful for the community's generosity!
You are invited this Saturday, June 10th, 2023 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, to a volunteer session - we need help sorting all the donations received. Join us, many hands make light work!

Special thanks to our clothing drive partners
for supporting us the past 3 years!
Artistic Summer Happenings!!!
All the programs offered at aZul are goal oriented, this summer we are hosting two ArtAbilities programs and two ActiveArt Lunch field trips. Have your adult with unique abilities exploring their artistic talents with us!

Learn more about our latest Drama class "Show Time" below

Follow us on social media and light up your day learning about our activities. Copyright © 2023 aZul - Fashion, Art & Design, Inc.,
All rights reserved.